Prevention of Pressure Sore and Provision of Comfort
Pressure sores can be prevented with the exception of severe illness where the immune systems have broken down, for example, advanced cancer and AIDS.
Principles include:
Promotion of circulation especially by relieving pressure on, and massaging of pressure parts.
(SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS has a variety of WEDGES to assist with circulation and relieving pressure as well as the PVC covered convoluted mattress. Benefits relieves pressure, bed sores and protects mattress from soiling and odours.)
Protecting the skin and underlying tissues from injury and moisture.
Relief of pressure on and massage of pressure parts with (PREP).
The importance of changing the patient’s position regularly cannot be stressed enough (SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS PATIENT LIFTER assist with the turning of the Patient).
Helpless patients should be turned 2 hourly if necessary.
Otherwise 4 hourly and definitely twice daily. If possible, sit the patient up in a chair or elevate the back of the Hospital Bed (available at SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS)
The patient’s pressure parts must be gently massaged when his position is changed and his body washed. (SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS BED BATH COMPANION
This may be done with soap whilst washing and / or with lotion, cream or prep.
Avoid tucking in bed clothes tightly.
Place patient on a soft (SAGE HEALTH SOLUTION TORSO)
Use pillows or (SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS WEDGES for RING) under the buttocks and hips.
Protection of skin from injury and moisture.
Bedding must be kept smooth, dry and free of crumbs and creases.
Patients who become wet through incontinence or excessive perspiring, the skin is washed to free it from acid, and keep it warm and dry. Prompt cleaning of an incontinent patient is imperative. After washing a barrier cream (zinc, lanolin, mixture of zinc, aqueous and Vaseline, Fissan paste, baby barrier cream) can be rubbed into skin liable to become soiled.
Caregiver’s nails must be short, rings removed and every precaution taken not to injure the patient’s skin.
Pressure care also allows time for active movement or passive movement in immobilised patients:
Knees are flexed a few times to prevent stiffness.
Ankles are rotated to prevent stiffness, and flexed and extended to prevent deep vein thrombosis (SAGE HEALTH SOLUTIONS LEG COMPANION)
Patient is sat forward and deep breathing encouraged to prevent pneumonia.
The caregiver encourages other caregivers to give all the above care to the patient a regularly as they are able.
The formation of a Pressure must be reported to the Doctor immediately, and the doctor will advise treatment to be followed.